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Boswellia - Indena Phytosome™


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The gastrointestinal health challenge is solved! The newest evidence highlights that Casperome® plays a key role in supporting gastrointestinal health, adding another important piece to its potential.

In the summer, travelling abroad is the perfect chance to taste new food, but new culinary experiences may often put at risk people’s gut health. Gut health already is a relevant issue all over the world. Just to give an idea, in the USA from 60 to 70 million people are affected by all digestive diseases1, over 1 million residents in the USA and 2.5 million in Europe are estimated to have Inflammatory Bowel Disease2 and Irritable Bowel Syndrome occurs in up to 15% of the United States population.3

The latest study has proven that the optimized Boswellia extract can normalize intestinal motility, thus counteracting the formation of loose and watery stools: in conditions when the risk of experiencing acute diarrhea may be higher, it significantly reduces the number of stools and duration of motility unbalance, along with associated secondary conditions.4

Explore the results




We’ve set the absolute advantage

With Casperome®, the whole variety of boswellic acids reaches multiple targets providing a pleiotropic effect form muscles to the gut, stimulating a healthy inflammatory response. Moreover, thanks to its exclusive Indena Phytosome™ formulation, Casperome® shows an optimized distribution since the first administration.

Casperome® supports musculoskeletal health reducing stress and inflammatory status of joints and muscles of actual athletes. An example? It can help to heal from ankle sprains and relieve knee joint from stress.5,6

Recent human studies have focused on the possible role of Casperome® in the management of subjects with gastrointestinal issues like acute diarrhea and new human evidence confirms the benefits in reducing discomforts and promoting a faster normalization of the gut health status.4,7,8,9

An add-on administration of Casperome® is beneficial for people with asthma as it helps reduce the need for inhalation therapy with ICS + LABA.10

We’ve set the absolute advantage

Casperome® into action

Several scientific evidence have shown Casperome® real potential in reducing musculoskeletal stress, promoting respiratory health and fighting gut inflammation, but how does it work? Mechanistic studies have proven that the boswellic acids can act as a Ca2+ channels modulators and, thanks to the Indena Phytosome™ delivery system, they can easily and effectively reach their intestinal smooth muscles cells, their final target.7

Moreover, the literature reports that Boswellia extracts are effective in the management of various inflammatory response functions through the interaction with actors of the inflammatory chains such as of lipoxygenases (responsible for the synthesis of leukotrienes), proteases (cathepsin G) and nuclear factor kB (activated in many inflammatory chronic diseases). In addition, BAs reduce the overexpression of alpha tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and matrix metallo-proteinases (MMP), which play a role in inflammatory processes.11

Sinergy is the way
Casperome®, thanks to its multiple target action, could be a perfect ally for other Indena’s products, establishing a real join-venture based on synergy and complementary mechanism of action with one single goal: well-being.

With Meriva®, it contributes to promote a healthy inflammatory response, thanks to the action of the boswellic acids, complementary to the one of the Curcumin - Indena Phytosome™.
During the allergy season, Casperome® can couple with Quercefit® supporting a normal inflammatory response and immunomodulation activity.

Casperome<sup>®</sup> into action
Indena Phytosome™

Find out how Casperome®
is one step beyond

The uniqueness of Casperome® lies in its Indena Phytosome™ strategy.
Indena Phytosome™ system is able to optimize the biological absorption of boswellic acids, normally poorly soluble, delivering a specific phytochemical profile.

Pioneering Indena Phytosome™ formulation is specifically intended to facilitate dissolution profile and botanical extracts, making Casperome® so distinctive. The bioabsorption of boswellic acids from Casperome® is greatly optimized both at plasma and tissue levels.7,11

Furthermore, Casperome® is a standardized extract of Boswellia serrata with a unique composition and formulation: it contains not only KBA and AKBA, but the whole bouquet of 11 relevant boswellic acids and it closely matches the composition profile of B. serrata resin.

It is made through a highly controlled supply chain and supported by a solid technical documentation package. That’s why well-being can rely on Casperome®.

Find out more on Indena Phytosome™

See through science

2. Eisenstein M. Nature 540, S98-S99.
4. Giacosa, A et al. Nutrients 2022, 14, 1858.
5. Franceschi, F. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2016, 20(19), 4156-4161.
6. Fergalli, B., et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2016, 20(19), 4726-4732.
7. Pellegrin L. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2016, 20, 2695-2700.
8. Belcaro, G. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2017, 21, 2249-2254.
9. Riva A. et al, Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica 2019, 65(1), 30-5.
10. Ferrara, T. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2015, 20(19), 3757-3762.
11. Riva A. et al, Phytomedicine 2016, 25, 1375-1382.



CASPEROME® at a glance

Why choose Casperome®?


Is highly standardized in boswellic acids and formulated with Indena Phytosome™ delivery system to optimize bioabsorption.


Shows a unique composition and formulation: it contains not only KBA and AKBA, but the whole bouquet of boswellic acids; then, it closely matches the composition profile of Boswellia serrata gum resin.


Bioabsorption of boswellic acids from Casperome® is greatly optimized both at plasma and tissue levels.


Is supported by over 10 human studies, including pharmacokinetic studies; it is proven to support musculoskeletal health and the management of airways discomforts during the allergy season.


New clinical evidence reports its key role in supporting gut health, in a specific condition like acute diarrhea, too.

Technical Data

Common Name

Boswellia phospholipids

Botanical Origin

Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. - Resin



Plant source


Health benefit

Gut health, Joint Health, Muscoskeletal health, Respiratory health


Casperome is a trademark of Indena S.p.A The use of Indena’s trademarks is subject Indena’s authorization.


Standardized to contain ≥25% of triterpenoid acids

Recommended dose and use

250-500 mg/day. Casperome® is a yellow powder and may be utilized in a variety of nutraceutical formulations.


≥25.0% of boswellic acids by HPLC

Broad category

Healthy inflammatory response, Joint and Gut health

These statements may not comply with your country’s laws and regulations or with Reg. EC n. 1924/2006 and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Marketers of finished products containing this ingredient are responsible for ensuring compliance with the applicable legal framework.

CASPEROME® documents

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