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Source: No. 2 August/September 2020/Wellness Foods & Supplements
世卫组织关于视力的最新全球报告:“视力是我们五官中最重要的感官,在我们生活的方方面面都起着关键作用。视力并非理所当然,没有视力,我们将难以行走、阅读、上学和工作。当眼部疾病影响视觉系统的一项或多项功能时,就会引发视力障碍。视力障碍会对人们的生活产生严重影响。然而,通过及时进行高质量的眼部护理和康复治疗,可以避免很多严重后果。眼部疾病十分常见。长寿者在一生中会经历至少一种眼部疾病。全球范围内,至少有 22亿人患有视力障碍或失明,其中至少有 10亿人患有本可避免或仍然无法治疗的视力障碍。眼部疾病预防和其他眼部护理一般会重点关注可导致视力障碍和失明的眼部疾病,这无可厚非,但是通常不会导致视力障碍的眼部疾病(如干眼症和结膜炎)同样不容忽视。可以通过有一系列有效策略,防止和预防人们一生当中可能出现的眼部疾病和视力障碍。这些策略包括健康促进、预防、治疗和康复,其中一些策略不但可行性高,而且极具成本效益”。
Source: No. 2 August/September 2020/Wellness Foods & Supplements
新闻 / 30 Nov 20
Italy is a key player in the EU for pharmaceutical production and a hub for innovation and development. Among the panelists Daniele Giavini, Indena Managing Director, talking about the company’s target markets, innovation and technology.
阅读更多Indena provides genomic identification solutions for both plants and extracts, facing the new challenge of DNA testing.
阅读更多Indena presents its unique Phytosome formulation of quercetin derived from Sophora japonica L. The respiratory area is where its health benefits have been recently explored. 2 human studies showed very interesting results in maintaining wellbeing by sensitive or intolerant subjects.
阅读更多新闻 / 15 Dec 20
Indena has been focusing for years in developing a supportive ingredient to face one of the most relevant global health issues: ache management. The result is Mitidol®, an amazing combination of 2 botanicals working together very effectively: ginger and acmella.
阅读更多新闻 / 22 Jan 21
On the occasion of its 100th Anniversary, Indena, in partnership with the ISSNP, is pleased to announce the “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa” prize, dedicated to the memory of its founder.
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