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Source: No. 1 April/May 2020/Wellness Foods & Supplements
疼痛无边界:它影响所有人群,无论年龄、性别、收入、人种/种族或地域,引发疼痛的四大原因分别是癌症、骨和类风湿性关节炎、手术和受损以及脊柱问题。 因此,对于公共卫生而言,研究疼痛管理和救治措施迫在眉睫。大自然为我们提供了宝贵资源,例如某些植物的活性成分可选择性地作用于大麻素 CB2受体,如大麻二醇,具有抗炎和镇痛作用,并且对于中枢神经系统不会产生副作用。 因此,Indena多年来一直专注于开发一种创新的支持性成分,来解决疼痛这一全球最普遍的健康问题。Indena研发的代表性成果就是 Mitidol®,该产品高效融合了生姜(Zingiber officinale)和金纽扣(Acmella oleracea L.)两种植物。Mitidol®的疗效已通过体外和人体研究得到证实。
Source: No. 1 April/May 2020/Wellness Foods & Supplements
新闻 / 15 Dec 20
Vision impairment is a global issue and may have serious consequences during life. Indena’s R&D has been working for years on that specific area and got important results from 2 plants: bilberry and turmeric. In fact, Mirtoselect® and Meriva® are effective supports for eye health.
阅读更多新闻 / 11 Dec 20
Indena presents its unique Phytosome® formulation of quercetin derived from Sophora japonica L.. Respiratory area is where its health benefits have been recently explored. 2 human studies showed very interesting results in maintaining wellbeing by sensitive or intolerant subjects.
阅读更多新闻 / 10 Dec 20
Indena provides genomic identification solutions for both plants and extracts, facing the new challenge of DNA testing.
阅读更多新闻 / 30 Nov 20
意大利是欧盟药品生产的关键参与者,在药品创新和发展中有着核心地位。其中 Indena 总经理 Daniele Giavini 谈到了 Indena 的目标市场、创新和技术。
阅读更多新闻 / 22 Jan 21
在基金会成立 100 周年之际,为纪念 Indena 创始人 Biagio Alberto Della Beffa,Indena 与国际天然产品暑期夏令营(ISSNP)合作,宣布设立“ Biagio Alberto Della Beffa”奖,该奖项两年颁发一次。
阅读更多新闻 / 15 Dec 20
Indena has been focusing for years in developing a supportive ingredient to face one of the most relevant global health issues: ache management. The result is Mitidol®, an amazing couple of 2 botanicals working together very effectively: ginger and acmella.
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