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Meriva® – Curcumin Indena Phytosome™

Meriva® – Curcumin Indena Phytosome™

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Peer-reviewed science on Meriva®

Meriva® sports an outstanding pre-clinical and clinical evidence.

Pharmacokinetics innovation1

According to clinical evidence comparing the pharmacokinetics profile of Meriva® and a reference standard turmeric extract, curcuminoids bioabsorption was about 29-fold higher for Meriva® than for its corresponding unformulated curcuminoid mixture (Fig.1).
More specifically, Meriva® demonstrated to optimize the bioabsorption of all three curcuminoids, in particular DMC (demethoxy curcumin) which is known for its powerful activity.


Figure 1: Total curcuminoids (ng/mL) absorption profile after oral administration of Meriva® (high dose, dots; low dose, squares) and reference standard (triangles).

A safe approach2

Meriva® at a daily dose of 2 g/day, for up to 18 months, hasn't caused any discomfort or significant side effects on all participants, thus supporting a long term supplementation.

Joint, bone and muscle health 3-7

Meriva® plays a key role in supporting the musculoskeletal system, particularly in conditions associated with natural aging process, chronic discomforts or external factors (such as certain pharmacological treatments). This potent natural ingredient has shown positive effects in maintaining joint, bone, and muscle health, improving both physical performance and quality of life.

Joint Health
Meriva® has been demonstrated to support effective ache management, with a 58% optimization versus standard approaches according to the WOMAC scale. Physical performance improved by 26% (Karnofsky scale), joint mobility by 4-fold on treadmill test, and overall quality of life by 3-fold (Social and Emotional Index). Additionally it also aids in optimizing inflammatory biomarkers, with a 65% decrease in interleukin 1-beta and a significant 16-fold reduction in CRP levels. Furthermore, subjects reported reduced need for additional support.

Bone Health
Meriva® has been linked to optimized bone density, particularly in key areas such as the heel, small finger, and upper jaw. This supports better structural integrity, especially in ageing populations.

Muscle Health
Meriva® supplementation has shown marked benefits in muscle performance, particularly in silver age. After three months of supplementation, studies showed a 9% increase in handgrip strength, a 23% improvement in weight lifting capacity, a 24% boost in walking distance, and a 39% enhancement in stair-climbing performance, all compared to baseline.

Meriva®’s multi-faceted role in supporting joint, bone, and muscle health highlights its value as a natural supplement for improving mobility, strength, and overall well-being.

Kidney health 8,9

Low grade inflammation and oxidative stress are recognized among the disrupting factor for renal functionality and kidney health. In two human studies Meriva® have been tested to verify its potential to maintain normal and physiological renal values in subjects with diverse risk factors. 3,4

The first study has been conducted on 87 asymptomatic subjects with temporary altered kidney parameters. The ancillary supplementation of 1.5 g/day of Meriva® positively influenced albuminuria, oxidative stress and fatigue after 4 weeks compared to the standard management (Fig.2).3

Furthermore, a study showed that Meriva® (1.0g/day) is associated to the amelioration of body composition, healthy inflammatory response and oxidative balance in subjects (n=24) with mildly altered kidney function.4


Figure 2: Albuminuria (mg/L) in subjects treated with SM vs SM+Meriva® at V0 and after 4 weeks, considering microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria values.

More evidence on Meriva®

Meriva® is active on broad spectrum of conditions, supported by over 40 human studies.


Improvement of the exercise-related discomfort, stiffness and physical function (measured with the WOMAC score). Optimization of the healthy inflammatory response marker (C-reactive protein).5


Healthy blood-vessel-function support.6 6


Muscle soreness and stress relief, antioxidant and healthy inflammatory response optimization in case of prolonged physical exercise. 7,8


Strength and physical performance improvement and lean-body mass loss prevention in the elderly.9


Bone density optimization in asymptomatic subjects with bone-density challenges.11

1Cuomo J. et al., J Nat Prod. Mar 17. (2011).
2Musso G. et al., Hepaplogy, May 28 (2024).
3Belcaro G. et al., Altern Med Rev 15(4):337-44. (2010).
4Belcaro G. et al., Panminerva Med 52(2Suppl1):55-62. (2010)
5Belcaro G. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 18(24)3959-63 (2014).
6Riva A. et al., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 21(7):1684-1689 (2017).
7Franceschi F. et al., European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 20(4):762-6. (2016).
8Ledda A. et al., Panminerva Medica.Dec 61(4):444-8. (2019).
9Pivari F. et al., Nutrients,.Jan 14 231. (2022)

Indena - Science is our nature

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